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Importance of Good Architectural Signage for Your Business


Do you run a business? Perhaps you are planning to start one. Every business today needs signage. It is one of the prime considerations when starting a company.

Basically, architectural signage is a term used for a business’s entire range of signage. From the company sign to wayfinding signs to advertorial signs, all of them contribute to the brand image. A creative sign can help you stand out among all your competitors.

A business sign has to combine several elements into a small space. The result should be representative of the business, aesthetically pleasing and should fit in well with the physical location. Read ahead to find out why you should invest in signage for your business.

Advantages of Using Architectural Signage

The perfect sign can bring your vision to life. It seems like a small investment, but it can reap tons of benefits for your business. Here is how.


In today’s digital world, branding has become the cornerstone of any business. It takes a consumer 10 seconds to form an opinion about your company. The correct branding can help you capture this 10-second window and acquire a new customer.

Once you establish your unique signage, customers associate your logo and brand colour with your business. It helps you develop uniformity amidst your products and services. Moreover, it helps the company look professional and makes it memorable for the consumer.

Refine Your Business Appearance

Architectural signs are customised to the location they are installed in. A 3-dimensional sign can breathe life into a dull site and make it seem more professional. You can hire a professional signage designer and manufacturer for this task.

A 3D sign also provides lighting at night. Today, signs can be backlit or have internal lighting that grabs eyeballs and looks attractive.

Makes Your Business Accessible

A good sign adds not only aesthetic value but also communicates valuable information. It is essential to invest in a 3D sign. It immediately tells a passing customer what service or product to expect from you. They can also take a picture of your sign for future reference.

The colours and typefaces on your business signs outside the office or location should match that inside. This consistency makes your business seem polished.

Tip: If you have leased a location and are hesitant about buying a 3D sign, remember that you can always take it to your next location.

What Makes a Good Sign?

You know why to use signage. This section will tell you the essential factors that make an effective sign.

Custom Design

The designer must customise the signage for your brand to the location and type of your business. It must be representative of your style and should reinforce your vision. Any signage that you make after your branding is decided must be consistent in logo, colours, and fonts.

Brand Identity

Brand signage is not just for the customers but also the employees. It should instil a sense of identity and belonging in the workplace. Every minute detail, for example, typography, can change the way people interact with your brand.


A brand sign should be functional, but it also needs to be stylish. Think of it as a personification of your brand. It must be aesthetically pleasing and must serve a purpose for the business.

Compliant to Rules

Lastly, the signage should comply with the BCA guidelines for signage in Australia.

To Sum Up

Undoubtedly, architectural signage can take your brand to a whole new level. Moreover, professional signage is durable and will last you years without damage. It creates an impression of your brand in the customer’s mind. In this day and age, signage is a vital investment.

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