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Different Lighting Levels in a Building you must Know


Lighting in a building, be it a commercial facility or a living space is important to accomplish tasks efficiently. Having a perfect lighting system prevents eye strain which allows us to work comfortably for longer durations. 

However, there are certain levels of lighting for different spaces to consider while planning out the lighting structure. The proper lighting and fixture are decided on the basis of lux level, also known as illuminance. It represents the amount of light that is measured or calculated on a plane surface. Or it can be defined as the total luminous flux incident which strikes a plane area. This is measured as per unit area and is called LUX.

It is a crucial step to determine in order to get the best-suited lighting in your space. To help you understand more about Lux level lighting and its advantages for different spaces here is everything to know about it.

Understanding Lux levels

There is no denying that Lux is becoming extremely popular in the modern world. Most lighting companies are offering multiple Lux level luminaires to let users enjoy the ultimate freedom in the light designing process. From indoor lighting solutions to outdoor illumination, people are integrating LEDs accordingly to bright up the space and enhance the characteristics of the room beautifully. 

Benefits of Lux levels

Lux features professional light planning and is also very simple yet effective. Furthermore, it utilizes the latest lighting data and stand-of-the-art technology or software, freely available to access. 

The coloured light landscapes with LEDs are sustainable, energy-saving and guarantee brilliant illumination for all types of spaces. Read on to get better insights on the usability of Lux level luminaires in different buildings.

Lux levels in supermarkets

If you are looking for lux level lighting for supermarkets and mechanical rooms, opt for 750 lux. This will be sufficient to brighten up the space and make things clearly visible to the customers and staff. Hence, while selecting the best luminaire for supermarkets, keep in mind the lux level to get the finest lighting solution for your space.

Lux levels in commercial buildings

Generally, a workstation needs 500 lux level lighting to illuminate the space perfectly. When talking about Automatic Data Processing (ADP) area and meeting halls, they require 500 and 300 lux respectively to offer adequate lighting as expected. Furthermore, the auditorium requires approximately 200 lux. On the other hand, training rooms (if any) and corridors should get 500 lux and 200 lux separately.

Lux level at schools

For school buildings, 250 lux level will be enough to light the space for students and teachers to impart knowledge and learn new things. If you want to bring attention or focus to the area where the teacher is located, 750 lux level lights can do the job efficiently.

Lux levels at hospitals

A hospital is a big facility to illuminate. Also, there are various rooms for different purposes. That’s why multiple Lux levels are required to light up the whole building. For instance,  general lighting should be supplied with 100 lux, nursing stations 150-300 lux, night lighting 1 lux and examination lighting must include 200 lux respectively.

These are some necessary lux levels to consider in LED lighting for different spaces. Consider this to create a perfect ambience and crystal clear illumination for better visibility. 

Hope this article helps you build a better understanding of lux levels and their importance for getting adequate illumination in space.  

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