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An Everlasting Connection Between Flowers & Feelings


Fowers are fascinating and are the first choice for any lover to express their feelings to their loved ones. The connection between flowers and emotions has a long history, and it will continue to epoch. If you don’t know what makes flowers so unique and extraordinary, follow the blog to the end, and you’ll be amazed to know the facts and myths that make this connection everlasting. There’s hardly anyone in the world who can say they don’t love flowers. The qualities of flowers are so unique that we don’t find them in anything else. Their purity, freshness, vivid colors, and aroma makes anyone fall in love with them. Let’s dig out the history of the connection between feelings and the flowers.

Expressing Love With Flowers

Giving flowers to express feelings has been in practice since historical times. Flowers were used as a medium to express love, care, admiration, and more during the time of kings and queens. The same culture is still followed and is considered the best gesture to express sentiments. While red roses are more popular for expressing love, flowers like white or pink carnations are famous for expressing gratitude. Valentine is a celebration of love, and enthusiasts express their heartfelt feelings to their beloved by giving red roses. Similarly, white carnations are given to mothers on occasions like mother’s day to convey love, care, and thankfulness.

Expressing Joy With Flowers

If you’re in India, flowers are part of our lives. We can feel the presence of flowers on the most remarkable occasions in our life. The most significant event and joyous moment in anyone’s is their wedding. During this event house and the wedding venue are decorated with flowers making the atmosphere extremely pleasant and joyous. Also, they are part of rituals in Indian weddings. The couple celebrates the joy by exchanging beautiful garlands during the wedding ceremony, while parents exchange hand bouquets with their in-laws. Flowers further become part of the celebration on wedding anniversaries as the best anniversary gift. If you’re looking for flowers in Bangalore at such moments, consider picking a dozen of red roses for your spouse.

Expressing Care With Flowers

People around the world express their care to their loved ones when they are not well. Fresh and bright flowers have the potential to elevate the mood and can be helpful in faster recovery. Sending fresh blossoms with a lovely message for their good health can make anyone feel good. However, many consider sending fresh fruits to their dear ones when they fall sick. The gesture shows that you care for them and make them feel good, which helps to recover from the illness. Similarly, greeting your mom and dad on parent’s day is the most admirable way to express your care for them. 

Expressing Gratitude With Flowers

Offering flowers to the gods we worship has been a historical culture, and we still follow the same while expressing our gratitude or being thankful to our gods. Similarly, parents and grandparents do a lot for their children in their entire life, so we must be grateful to them by expressing our gratitude on mother’s day, father’s day or parent’s day with flowers is highly admirable. It’s a small thing to appreciate their love and care for us compared to the hardships they go through their entire life. So, if you are planning for any such occasion in Delhi, surprise them with online flower delivery in Delhi early in the morning to your doorstep.

Expressing Sorry With Flowers

For every emotion you feel expressing to your loved ones, flowers come in as a first choice. Be it the happiest moments or if you are sorry for something to your loved ones. If you’re disappointed with making someone unhappy, flowers coupled with chocolates and a teddy are the perfect way to ask forgiveness. Yellow carnations fit well for such moments. Make sure to add their favorite chocolates with carnations while asking for forgiveness. 

Expressing Sympathy With Flowers

White flowers, in general, are the most common to express sympathy. Sending white flowers like white roses or white carnations to the distressed family conveys sympathy and condolences. Besides, marigold is another flower used during the last rites in India. The garland or wreath with marigold is significant while giving a last tribute to the deceased.

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