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Pest Control: The Honest Wasp’s Guide to Destruction


If you live in an area that experiences wasp invasions, you know the damage these pests can cause if left unchecked. Luckily, with the Honest Wasp’s Guide to Destruction, you can protect your home without dangerous chemicals and with minimal work on your part! The Honest Wasp, insect exterminator extraordinaire and founder of Wasp Warriors Pest Control, has offered his services to help us create this invaluable guide to fighting off wasps in your home.

Spotting an infestation

Keep your eyes peeled for wasps’ nests near your home. They are most common in trees, but they can show up in other places as well, such as on your roof or wall. If you have trouble spotting an infestation, try looking during late afternoon or early evening when wasps are out and about. You may even see a wasp crawling along a windowsill or buzzing around flowers on your front porch. A sure sign of an infestation is if you start noticing that people who live in your area seem to know about it—and warn new neighbors about it too! destruction nid de frelon 91

Signs of a Nest or Wasps in your Home

In addition to a wasp stinging you, signs of a pest problem in your home include piles of small sawdust-like material (called frass) near nests and honeycombs. Piles of honeycomb with holes in them are another sign that there are pests inside—the insects chew their way out if something blocks their path out of their homes. Wasps build some of their homes using chewed wood, so if you spot large chunks of wood on your property, then there’s likely a problem. If you notice something similar, don’t let any doubt get in your way—your family’s safety is on the line!

Different Types of Wasps

There are different types of wasps, each with its own unique history. In France, for example, there is a dangerous species of wasp known as la guêpe de France (the French wasp). Because it is found mostly in south-eastern France and Corsica it is also known as guêpe corsicaine (Corsican wasp). Its sting has been associated with occasional serious allergic reactions. There are 20 species in Britain and they are commonly found all over Europe and can often be confused with other types of social wasps.

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Wasps

Before you call a pest control company, you might want to give these natural solutions a try. Wasps are naturally territorial creatures and they don’t like new things entering their territory. So, if you introduce something new into your wasp-infested area, chances are good that it will get rid of them on its own. This is helpful when it comes to removing nests because once a wasp realizes that there’s an intruder in its space, it will protect its home by attacking everything around it—including other wasps. destruction nid de frelon 91

Professional Ways to Get Rid of Wasps

If a nest is located inside your home, you’ll want to immediately call an exterminator; wasps who find their way indoors can cause a lot of damage quickly. Don’t wait until nightfall—they tend to be more active when it’s dark. If there are no nests near your home and they’re coming around as pests, you’ll need a less intense form of pest control. You can attract them away from your property with strategically placed fake wasp nests or old orange juice cartons filled with vinegar (wasps hate vinegar). Another option is hanging bundles of strong-smelling herbs outside windows or doors.

Prevention and protection from future infestations

Here’s a harsh truth about life in France (and, really, every other country that isn’t North Korea or Myanmar): There are bugs. They will infest your house (sorry), they will get into your food (sorry again), and they will die and smell (very sorry). But don’t worry! Prevention is relatively easy. Just make sure all cracks around windows, doors, and walls are sealed so pests can’t get in. Also, inspect outdoor plants for aphids before bringing them inside; these little buggers love to hide on plants and then jump onto you once you bring them into your kitchen.

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