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How Customer Care Support Improves The Cannabis Businesses?


Customer service is essential for all businesses. It is the safest way to ensure that customers have a comfortable and respectful shopping experience when they visit a store. The same can be also be said when someone visits a cannabis store since nobody wants a bad trip. 

Suppose you have a cannabis business and want more footfall in your store. In that case, having the best customer care service is highly essential. It will drive your sales and make the customers come back again for the good high they got earlier. 

Read on to find out what you can do to make this trip pleasant for the customers. 

The Cannabis Business In The USA

The recreational use of cannabis was illegal in all states of the USA. Only its medical use was made legal. Although recent studies and research indicated that recreational use of cannabis does not detrimentally affect our wellbeing, it was again made legal in many states since 2012. 

Washington and Colorado became the first states to legalize the recreational use of cannabis and decriminalize it. Currently, it is legal for recreational use in 18 states in the USA. Its use by the youth for recreation has made it a popular business opportunity to make good profits. 

The cannabis industry has snowballed over the years since its legalization. The market is estimated to be worth $10 billion in 2020. The annual growth of the sector is around 30%. Cannabis became the second highest-selling cash crop in the USA after corn in 2017, with its worth being around $40 billion. 

The industry is expanding rapidly every day, creating more chances for investors to step into the business. American financial advisory firm Morningstar has predicted that the sector will contribute towards 25% of the US recreational market. In addition, you can expect it to contribute towards 15% of the US medical market by 2030. 

Role Of The Customer Care Service

With the cannabis industry expanding daily, businesses should also focus on their marketing strategies. 

Besides your marketing efforts, customer services should also be given focus. This is because cannabis is a recreational drug with psychoactive properties. Therefore, new consumers of this drug should be informed about the detrimental effects of excessive use of cannabis.

The influx of new customers in the youth requires staff with in-depth knowledge about cannabis. It is essential to make sure that customers purchase what they want, and also to make them keep them coming back for more (in moderation, of course!). 

Good customer service is required because it helps in maintaining good customer relations. Good customer relations will, in turn, drive sales of the company. Good customer care services can only create loyalty amongst customers. Loyal customers can also generate more sales for the company since they might recommend your brand to others and increase sales volume

How Can You Improve Your Customer Care Service?

A cannabis business should focus on making a top-notch customer engagement strategy to draw in more customers and make them loyal to the brand. Since most recreational cannabis users buy directly from the store, having a good store presence is essential to impress customers. 

1. Knowledgable Staff Members:

You can improve the customer care service in your store by having knowledgeable store managers and staff members. They can help the customers buy the right product after informing them of the pros and cons of each strain of cannabis. Staff members who know the various features of each strain of cannabis are a big yes for customers.

2. The Interior Design Of The Store:

A modern and trendy design will have eyeballs turning towards your shop for the store’s visual appeal. This is because most recreational cannabis consumers are between 20 to 30. A trendy interior design will create a lasting appeal in the customers’ minds. 

3. Well Designed Website:

Your business also needs to have a well-designed website to boost online sales. This is because a majority of the customers now will purchase cannabis online due to the travel restrictions placed due to the Covid pandemic. Therefore, a well-designed website that allows users to traverse the links and the pages of the website smoothly will feel great for customers. 

Your website should have options for online purchases as well. The e-commerce experience for the customer should be made simple and intuitive. A complicated website will not go well with the customer base. Appealing and straightforward websites are now part of the simplistic design trends that most modern websites follow. 

4. After-sales Services:

After-sales services are one of the critical aspects of managing customer relations. When customers leave the store, their numbers can be taken by the shop so that any news about special offers can be conveyed to them instantly. 

Your after-sales team can maintain customer relations even after sales are made by sending them personalized texts when their birthdays or some national holidays come up (4th of July, anyone?). During these days, news about offers can be conveyed to them to have a high party on these special occasions!

5. Customer Feedback Collection:

Customer feedback collection is essential for any business to survive. This is because customers are king in business. If there are any negative aspects of your business, customers will be the first to point them out. The same goes for your business lacking any features that customers want in your store or business model. 

6. Use Of Social Media:

Your business can set up social media pages on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. This will provide customers with another gateway to stay in touch with your business apart from your website. 

7. Special Promotional Offers:

Special promotional offers during certain days of the week will keep customer interest engaged with your business and better control demand management. These offers help attract customers during those days, generating more sales and allowing customer appreciation for those high discounts. 


If you want your customers to get high in the best way possible and still want them to buy pot from you, you must provide good customer care services. Following the points above will ensure that customers remain high and happy at all times. 

Author Bio: 

Emily Bryant is a professional content writer. She completed her graduation in Psychology from the University of Montreal, Canada. She is very passionate about writing in many journals and magazines. She is the owner and co-founder of RSLonline. She is also associated with many authority blog sites such as Finance Team, Dream Land Estate, Tour And Travel and Dream And Travel

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