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Why Information Technology is a Popular Specialization in B.Tech Courses?


Introduction to Information Technology

Information technology (IT) is the branch of engineering that deals with the usage of devices and computer systems. It is used by business operations to access information that comprises much of our daily activities. IT impacts our everyday lives and is the most sought-after branch of engineering. A majority of B.Tech engineering students resort to specialization in IT for a lucrative and fulfilling career in computers. 

Information technology is universally used by businesses, consumers, and local operations. Hence, there is an endless need for confident and skilled IT graduates who can fill the positions open in companies around the world. Information technology is the leading B.Tech specialization of the 21st century. The field deals with computer systems, digital communication, design spectrums, and the mechanics of computing. It is one of the more recently developed and popularized specializations in engineering and has reached a separate status quo after the Internet boom of the 2000s. 

A Career With B.Tech in Information Technology

 B Tech in Information technology from reputed engineering colleges in Chhattisgarh opens pathways to fantastic career options in various levels of computer programming in the tech industry. IT is the foundation of business operations, customer services, and the entire social media sector of the world, and it is one of the essential areas of investment in all countries. Therefore, IT engineers, much like doctors and civil servants, are deemed to be essential workers who have the chance to earn good wages and a great work-life balance.

Highest Paid Jobs for B.Tech IT Students

If you get a Btech degree in Information Technology from KK Modi University which is primarily known as the best private university in India, your career will definitely grow. The information technology field includes plenty of positions with different work expectations, skills, and learning. A common theme among all open job positions is that IT graduates can secure high-paying jobs and build ideal careers for themselves. Here are some of them:

  • Information Security Analyst

    Average annual salary:  INR 5.5 Lakhs

    Information security analysts monitor their organization’s networks for security walls and use software and firewalls to build strong security systems. They protect the inflow and outflow of sensitive information from a website and protect critical information.
  • Software Developer

    Average annual salary:  INR 5 Lakhs

    Software developers are responsible for programming, designing, building, deploying, and maintaining software using the tools and skills of an IT engineer. They also lead the building processes of software and devices that ensure the smooth functionality of devices.
  • Information Research Scientist

    Average annual salary:  INR 8.7 Lakhs

    Information scientists manage the acquisition, maintenance and distribution of information in an organisation and make it accessible to users. It is an elevated field of job and is often achieved after persistent work in the field and promotions.
  • Web Developer

    Average annual salary:  INR 3.5 Lakhs

    Web developers are the beginner position in the IT industry. A web developer creates websites and maintains the backend operations of the digital product. They take care of the technical aspects of the Internet and work in sync with UX designers to design high-performing and user-friendly websites. Additionally, they are also responsible for tackling the traffic on a website and guiding the content teams for landing pages and promotional copy.
  • Database Administrator

    Average annual salary:  INR 8 Lakhs

    Database administrators are chief data personnel who maintain and safeguard data for operations. They provide support to systems and work on the backend with other technicians to maintain information overload on the system.
  • Computer Network Architect

    Average annual salary:  INR 20.5 Lakhs

    Network architects are the chief designers of a computer network. They use the framework and network specialization to configure operations for organizations. It is a high-stakes position, as the operational principles and procedures used by communication protocols to stabilize a network are responsible for the fruitful conversion of communication protocols. 

Five Reasons Why IT Specialization  is Popular

  1. Flexibility

    Graduating from a college in Chhattisgarh with an IT specialization is one of the best ways to build a career in an endlessly exciting and lucrative field. It also allows you to experiment and explore career options. IT is a great field to build your career. After graduation, you can easily build your career in this stream or you can get a master’s in a field of your choice.
  2. Endless job opportunities

    The IT industry is the leading job maker of highly skilled white-collar jobs in India. Lakhs of new job opportunities in leading companies open up every year for recent graduates and working professionals, offering high packages and great amenities. 
  3. An evolving field

    IT is a fairly new field of engineering, as compared to the century-old civil engineering. The field is constantly improving and evolving, which makes it an exciting field to be a part of for young generations with a knack for computer programming. IT jobs are filled with tremendous job roles that can be filled with new people.
  4. International opportunities

    A B.Tech in IT is a global course. The curriculum of the course accommodates all there’s to know about IT engineering. Hence, graduates from engineering colleges in Chhattisgarh are eligible for jobs anywhere in the world. India is the largest exporter of doctors, engineers, and skilled workers globally. The developed world does not have enough technically-trained workers to fill the job roles. With a bachelor’s degree in IT, you can apply for jobs anywhere in the world.
  5. Diverse job profiles

    A B.Tech enables you to work in plenty of job profiles. As we mentioned above, with a B.Tech in choose any job field to prepare you for the next year. From research analyst to UX designer and even network architect. Due to the diverse curriculum and an all-encompassing learning methodology, you can land a job of your choice and build your way to the top.

Summing Up,

Engineering continues to be an elite and in-demand profession, especially in a developing country like India. There are plenty of reasons why it should be your first choice for a specialization. If you want a career in the tech industry, then a B.Tech with a specialization in information technology from KKMU, Chhattisgarh is the ideal pathway for you. They have the best faculty and their placement rate is extremely high which makes them different from other private universities in India. 

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