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The Night Before An Exam: Things Parents Should Know 2022


Parents need to learn how effectively they can prepare their children before the final exam day. Significantly, the night before the exam is extremely important. It can be tricky and nail-biting for your child because they have been preparing for this day for a long time. The pressure can affect a child’s performance. Therefore, parents should understand what things or strategies can help them during these challenges, especially the night before the exam. You should help them feel relaxed while taking the exam, and since you will not be present in the exam hall, you should do your job before the exam.

In this blog, you will learn some effective ways to support and prepare your child before the exam.

6 Tips For Night Before The Exam

With GCSE exams coming fast, learning what to do before the night of the exam will help you deal with things smoothly. However, some impressive GCSE tuition in Barnet, London, Bradford and other cities can help. Equipping them with core skills and confidence will help children put their best work into taking the exams. Here are some tips.

Balanced Diet

Parents need to understand the importance of healthy and balanced food and what to eat the night before an exam. It will help children get ready for the big exam day. However, some children do not feel like eating anything during exam days. It is usually because of exam pressure. Therefore, you should include healthy snacks into the child’s diet through different hours of the day and night. You can fuel your child with snacks like hummus, carrots, and light carbs. The best treat is to ask your child what they want to eat and provide them with their favourite food.

A Sound Sleep

How to sleep the night before an exam? This is the question parents should find the answer to help children prepare for the exam day. A child needs enough sleep the night before their exams because it will relax their mind and they will feel refreshed in the morning. As a result, they will perform much better in exams and ultimately secure top grades. Therefore, you should ensure proper and required sleeping hours for your child if you want them to take exams with a positive mindset.

Ensure Hassle-Free Morning

Ask your child to make things ready at night, so they don’t get in trouble in the morning, and things will be much smoother. So, remind them to pack their bags before going to bed. Ensure they have all the required stationery and other important materials packed. Double-check each essential for their exams. However, you can prepare a checklist to ensure they have got everything. Also, you should ask them to set out their uniform, so they don’t panic at the last minute. Otherwise, it can affect their performance in the exams. 

Make Revision Light 

Is it good to study the night before a test or exam? Well, it is, but if your child starts practising the whole paper, it will kill their productivity, and hence they feel more stressed than feeling calm and prepared. Therefore, you should help them to know when to stop and how much is enough to revise. You can ask them to revise using cheat sheets or look over flashcards with a little time left. Revising till the last minute is not recommended by experts. 

After completing the study and revision, it is crucial for children to chill out for a while and feel good about the exam. In fact, they can try their favourite activity or take a shower to relax; it will help a lot.

Motivate Your Child

A child taking exams needs a lot of motivation and encouragement to feel understood and confident. However, you can ask for online exam preparation and revision help from Familytutor. Parents need to tell students that they are proud of them and that their hard work will get them to achieve their goals. Children look towards their parents, and therefore, they must remind them that no matter what happens, they are proud of them. So, you can even celebrate a little after each exam or give them a small treat like their favourite meal or a short trip to boost their confidence and morale. 

Reduce Stress and Anxiety

A night before the exam is crucial as children feel overwhelmed with all the preparation they have done in the past few days. Instead, it is your responsibility to make it less stressful for children. All parents want the very best for their children, but they also need to understand that pressure will do no good at all. So, do not add more to their anxiety. Use different practices to help them chill out and put on relaxing music. With the right help and motivation, you will see your child get into the exam hall confidently.


It is vital for parents to know how to memorise before an exam and what to do the night before the exam to make the process easier for children. So, all of these tips will help you in this regard.

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