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Legal Marketing Opportunities 2022


The world of all possible legal marketing opportunities is wide and mysterious. New trends, technologies, and people emerge every day to provide new avenues for savvy lawyers looking to boost their profit margins. The legal business has been booming for years now, despite the general slowdown in some other industries.

With the advent of new social media sites, internet advertising, and innovative legal marketing strategies, the possibilities for lawyers looking to become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams has grown exponentially.

Are you a law firm owner looking to expand your client base? Then keep reading this article to find out some of the latest legal marketing trends that you should follow in order to increase your client base!

Social Media Marketing

With the emergence of new social media sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, it has become much easier for even small law firms to get their brand out to a wide audience.  Twitter allows posts with hashtags so it is possible for your firm’s posts to trend if you use the right keywords.  

For example, one tweet with a popular keyword alongside your Twitter handle and an interesting picture of one of your attorneys might get retweeted enough times for it to reach thousands of people through re-share chains.

Just being on these sites is only part of the battle – once you have a presence there you need to make sure it’s both useful and attractive.  Post links to articles that pertain to your niche, as well as pictures of your office.  Try to keep the ratio of promotional posts vs. personal posts about 75%/25%.

If you’re not already on these sites then it’s time you create a profile and learn the ropes (it’s not really that complicated).  These sites can be great sources of clients both young and old.

SEO Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing a web page’s rankings in search engines for certain keywords or keyword phrases.  It has always been a great strategy for law firms looking to increase their exposure and bring in more clients, however now it’s even more important as people generally use Google to find information.

If you can get your website to the top of Google for keywords that are related to your practice area, then you’ll find that more people will be exposed to your law firm and become potential clients.  Make sure that every webpage on your site has an “about” section with all of the relevant legal jargon, as well as a picture of yourself or one of your lawyers, and a list of your practice areas.

Incentivized Referrals

Referrals from existing clients are always great because they’re often very qualified leads.  However, you should also consider incentivizing referrals with coupons or free services to give them an extra push towards going through with it.  This can lead to even more business when the referred client brings in friends and family.  You can’t go wrong with this simple legal marketing strategy.

Legal Marketing Industry Report

Don’t forget that it’s also important for you as a law firm owner to keep up on industry news and trends within your own field!  Use the internet as well as other resources available to you to find out what’s going on in your corner of the world. Read about new technologies, legal marketing strategies, and even law firm mergers!

The more educated you are regarding your market, the more successful your firm will be.  You don’t want to get left behind by all of these other savvy lawyers out there looking for new opportunities!

Use PPC Marketing

Pay-Per-Click marketing involves the use of sponsored advertisements on search engines.  Sponsorships cost money but can be well worth it when you have a service that will be searched for often by potential clients.

These ads work because when someone searches for a keyword or phrase related to your firm, a link to an advertisement comes up above or next to the search results.  This means that you don’t have to wait for potential clients to come to you -you can bring them to your website where they can learn all about your practice area and what makes you the best choice.


Legal marketing is becoming more complex all the time, even in the face of an increasingly competitive market.  However, with these strategies on your side, you can rest assured that you’ll be able to bring in business no matter what happens!

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