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Essential Health Tips For Ex-pats Living In Dubai


Dubai’s population is mostly comprised of ex-pats from all over the world. Though Dubai can provide you with all the luxuries that you want, the major drawback to living in Dubai is its temperature that can make anyone uncomfortable. To avoid the heat, you can plan to do indoor activities near villas for sale in Palm Jumeirah, a residential community where you can find all the luxuries you want in your residential neighbourhood.

The warmer days of summer, however, can be a challenge for those coming from Western countries where pleasant climates allow for lots of outdoor activities such as cycling, hiking, climbing, rowing, but in Dubai, temperatures skyrocket to over 50 degrees and humidity levels can reach 100%. In such conditions, these outdoor activities are not recommended. Down below we have gathered four essential health tips for ex-pats living in Dubai.

Stay indoors during the day-time

Living and working in elevated temperatures can cause severe health risks. The body cannot control its own temperature when heat diseases arise. Unnecessary regular activity or exposure to high temperatures may cause severe symptoms like muscle cramps or heat rashes, or serious problems like major heat stroke or dehydration.

The safest protection is common sense; you can either work out in air-conditioned gyms or if you must exercise outside, do so early morning or late at night while the temperature is less intense. Before, after, and during your activities, you need to drink lots of water and manage to stay out of the heat and in the shade throughout the day.

Keep your health insurance updated

All citizens of Dubai are provided with basic health care, as well as access to DHA clinics and hospital services, under the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) program.  However, the coverage provided by this insurance is restricted, and certain items are excluded, such as maternity care, dermatology-related conditions, and in certain cases, dental care.

Often ex-pats prefer personal insurance policies at a greater standard of coverage, allowing them to see a doctor without a general practitioner’s advice and opt for all-inclusive coverage for a fee. It’s useful to read and comprehend your healthcare plan and see what’s covered and what isn’t so you can be prepared in the event of an unexpected emergency. In the case of an unexpected health condition, settling for substandard or insufficient compensation may be financially disastrous.

Emergency Care

Have all relevant contact numbers on hand, such as those for your Physician or doctor, as well as some other healthcare professional whose resources you use often. Check out how many hospitals are near to you and how to get there quickly.

The number to dial in a life-threatening emergency is 999. This is the number for the government’s emergency ambulance service, which can transport you to the closest public hospital without delay. In Accident & Emergency (A&E) services, appointments are not required; you can come in or reach by ambulance, and you will be examined to evaluate the severity of your disease. However, whilst you can be brought in promptly for critical ailments, waiting lists in public A&Es can be very long. It could be preferable to visit a private A&E for mild diseases.

Try to eat healthily and workout

It is particularly true here in Dubai where the extreme heat and difficult working life can cause you to eat excessive food and forgot about working out.

Even if the temperature can be oppressive at times, there is no reason for skipping workouts. It becomes much better to eat and exercise delicately in the summer months, particularly between May and August, when heat provokes. Healthy fluids, such as fresh juice, cold soups, and water, should be included in your meals. Avoid consuming sugar beverages and save the liquor for the evening, because the heat in combination with excess drinking can lead to extreme dehydration.

Small meals are recommended 4-5 times a day and eat lots of organic, finely cooked vegetables with fruits. When you’re in a hurry, cold pasta or chicken salad, a fruit salad, or a smoothie are all quick and simple options.

This is all from our side. The aforementioned tips will surely help you to stay healthy and fit in Dubai. If you are new in Dubai and looking for a place to live, opt for luxury villas for sale in Dubai where you can find residential units at reasonable prices.

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