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Why are libraries still important for students?


“When in doubt go to the library.”-         J.K. Rowling

As a student, you might have visited the library, at least once in your life. After all, libraries are the safe havens for the hunters of knowledge and education. However, with the surge in online resources, most individuals wonder whether libraries are still significant or not. Well, the answer is yes. Libraries are still as important as they were before. And, below, we have outlined why this is true. Let’s dive in.

  1.     Resources and learning material

The major purpose of the libraries cannot be overemphasized. Libraries probably give access to far more resources and learning material than any online source. In a library, you can find novels, course materials, practice questions, self-help books, newspapers, journals, CDs or audios, and almost everything that can help a student in learning. In other words, from primary to secondary and tertiary sources of information, you can find a bundle of information in a library. Consequently, if you are conducting research, you won’t have to worry about not finding enough information.

  1.     Impacting Achievement

Since libraries allow students to get the resources they want, libraries help in improving the capabilities and hence, the achievements of the students. For example, if a student is unable to understand a subject, he can get different textbooks from the library to brush up his knowledge. Other than this, libraries are a good way for students to come together and help each other in learning. Many teachers encourage students to organize group studies in libraries, where the learners can study peacefully, without any distractions.

  1.     Sustaining the love for reading

Since libraries provide access to a plethora of books, it promotes reading of quality fiction and non-fiction novels. This is why the majority of the schools ensure each class visits libraries, at least once a week. In this way, libraries can invoke curiosity among students from a very young age, while enriching their intellectual capabilities and growth. Teachers can organize various activities in the library to do so. For example, students can be asked to read a book every week and share their reviews and thoughts on it with the entire class. In this way, libraries can also foster effective communication and discussion among students.


  1.     Helping hand for teachers and scholars

Libraries are equally important for teachers and scholars, as they are for the learners. Teachers can improvise their lectures and knowledge of a subject, by referring to the resources available in the library. On the other hand, scholars rely on books and journals, which are not available on the internet frequently, to research and collect valuable information. After all, students and scholars are expected to participate in continuous learning. Similarly, many online assignment writing services, like HND Assignment Help London, make use of the libraries in cases where they cannot find enough information on a topic from the internet. 

  1.     Accessible to everyone

Most argue that online resources are better as they can be accessed quickly than finding books in a library. However, one of the major reasons why libraries are still important is because libraries can be visited by anyone. Many journals and articles on the internet, especially those concerned with research and literature, can only be accessed after a subscription or monthly payment. On the other hand, libraries are cheap and mostly free. Similarly, it is not always feasible to buy a bundle of books if you love reading but have a limited budget. However, libraries can solve this issue.

  1.     Equipping students with the necessary skills

Libraries are home to a wide range of books. In this way, libraries can allow students to grab books or resources on different subjects and develop their knowledge in a wide spectrum of topics. Be it related to technology, economics, law, linguistics, social science or politics. In this regard, students can develop the necessary skills, other than those taught in the classroom. Knowing how the dynamics of the corporate world have changed, learners are expected to be more versatile and diverse.

  1.     Helping in Distance Learning

Individuals who live in remote places have limited opportunities and resources to study. In this regard, library services can give such students easy access to valuable information sources. It cannot be ignored that most third world countries have still limited or no access to the internet. Therefore, libraries have a far more important role to play in such areas for promoting, fostering, and sustaining education.

In the End

Libraries are certainly one of the key places in society. No matter how much digitization has taken place, the role of libraries cannot be overtaken. Your library card is indeed very important and you shouldn’t let go of it. Whether you want to understand an important concept, learn more about a subject or develop important skills, the library should be your go-to place. 

Author Bio:

Michael loves writing and expressing his opinions about different things. He has also been great with academics and currently working at Assignment Master. He is very passionate about his work and loves to explore new places sporadically.


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