Decan Amazing News

5 Reasons to Become a Full-Time Personal Trainer


There’s nothing quite like starting your day with an hour-long intensive workout or a long run. The rush of endorphins is enough to clear your mind and body for the workday ahead. But what if you could pursue it as a career?

Working as a personal trainer is an ideal option due to multiple reasons. Also, the projected employment change from 2020 to 2030 is 39%, more than four times the average rate. However, being a PT requires specific qualifications. So you can look up “cert 3 and 4 in fitness online” and start your journey to this dream job. And here are five reasons why this career might be the perfect fit for you:

1.  Varied Work Opportunities

Following a fitness career is nothing like your regular desk job. You don’t have to work for the assigned hours or submit a report by the end of the evening. You can work from a gym or physical therapy centre or even conduct online sessions. Besides, with an increasing percentage of obese people, job security is guaranteed. As such, you can start working with a few clients and gradually build a strong portfolio for better work opportunities.

2.  Improved Work Satisfaction

For people working in the corporate industry, work satisfaction is one of the biggest concerns. And if you are not enjoying your work, you can easily lag and face a lot of mental stress. However, working as a personal trainer is way more fulfilling. This way, you get to exercise regularly without compromising your work hours and help others stay fit.

Needless to say, it is a fun experience to walk into the gym and connect with like-minded people rather than indulging in office politics.

3.  Learning Beyond Fitness

Once you enrol for cert 3 and 4 in fitness online course, you will realise the versatility of the job, as it is not just about setting an exercise schedule for your clients. Moreover, when you sign up as a personal trainer, you need to be extremely friendly and approachable. Therefore, the learning process highly emphasises soft skills. Also, you can expand your skillset to be a nutrition or strength and conditioning coach.

4.  Maximum Engagement

If dull days are your biggest work-life fear, working in the fitness industry will surprise you! Here, you can easily break your monotonous routine and engage with as many people as possible. And side by side, you can document your journey and become a part-time blogger/vlogger.

Meanwhile, establishing your online presence will allow you maximum work flexibility. And if you want to pack up and move to another location for a month or two, you can easily do that.

5.  Stable Earning

Passion aside, one of the most significant factors to consider before making a career switch is the annual income. With a growing demand for personal trainers, you can expect to earn well in the upcoming years. Growing your portfolio might also allow you to work with celebrity clients or professional athletes.

Once you go down the fitness road, there is no turning back! You can lead a mindful and healthy life while focusing on your work goals. But what if you could turn it into your full-time career?

Being a personal trainer comes with various perks. So, look up “cert 3 and 4 in fitness online to know more about expanding your knowledge in this field. Additionally, you get to contribute to the wellness of other people’s physical and mental health. Interesting, right?

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