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Why Berlin Is Attracting Technological Talents?


After being the ‘it’ place for the arts and culture scene for decades, Berlin has also become a hotspot for technological talents in the recent past. The young crowd with technological talents has been flocking to the city for better career opportunities. The tech startup scene, living conditions, educational opportunities, capital funding, government support, and international ambiance are some major reasons behind the attraction of technological talents in Berlin. 

In this article, we will explore Berlin’s tech start-up culture and the features that allure people to Berlin’s booming technological sector.

Berlin as a start-up heaven

Berlin is the place where start-ups thrive. Approximately 30% of all German startups are based in Berlin. The reason behind this is the young professionals which the city attracts. Other than that, the location and office expense in Berlin is much lower than in other big cities which helps new startups immensely. The culture of coworking spaces along with the diverse and creative environment also contribute majorly to making it start-up heaven.

It is easy for entrepreneurs to start their own business in Berlin because here the public sector offers comprehensive information and consulting services. The Investitionsbank Berlin and investments offer support for funding of startups by national and international venture capital investors, local business angels, company-owned incubators, accelerators, etc are common occurrences. Other than that consulting services are also offered to her by several technology centers and business incubators.

Networking between universities, startups, investors, politics, and established companies helps startup foundations a lot. Stronger connections between young entrepreneurs are also built-in Berlin by networking and founder events conducted in tech hot spots many times a year. 

Why did young, qualified technological talents choose Berlin?

The comparatively affordable cost of living that provides a high standard of living is a major thing that attracts young, qualified professionals to Berlin. The active venture capital scene along with lots of networking opportunities and the international character of Berlin make it an ideal place for tech entrepreneurs and employees alike. 

Attractive rent prices in Berlin’s boroughs for different kinds of living conditions such as urban residential apartments to country homes charm the young adult crowd. It is quite easy to find furnished and unfurnished apartments for rent in Berlin. Hence, all kinds of lifestyles can find their place in the city. The affordable rent prices, co-working office spaces, and dynamic tech startup scene allow entrepreneurs to rent easily and cheaply. 

This in turn has caused the tech community to flourish in Berlin with a new startup being founded every 20 minutes in the city. This increases job opportunities for talents all around the world. Many job vacancies are available and advertised throughout the year on online portals for drawing in talent from all around the world.

Educational opportunities and network events for advanced training of technological talent are another major attractive point. Berlin has over 40 universities and over 70 non-university research institutions which provide an excellent base for future tech talents. In major hotspots of tech business networks and founders, events are pretty common. These events facilitate contacts and help in guiding young entrepreneurs. Berlin’s institutions of higher learning also have university-based start-up centers for connection and networking purposes.

The work-life balance and opportunity to learn and train that Berlin provides make it both a popular work destination and the happiest work destination for employees. Personal development and the individual living environment provided by the unique culture and leisure activities in Berlin cannot be missed when talking about why it attracts young talents. The music, art, and food culture of Berlin distinguish it from other tech talent hubs around the world. Street art, unique fashion, quirky cafes, and more are found easily in Berlin without the sky-high costs of living. 

Because of the international talent pool, English has become the international language of business in the startup ecosystem. Of course, learning German puts an individual at an advantage however exchange of ideas, information, and socializing is still possible in Berlin if you only speak English.


The tech sector in Berlin has been growing and will continue to grow to newer heights in Berlin. The innovation hub will hence continue to grow and will keep on attracting tech talents. The favorable conditions for tech startups along with favorable living conditions could cause Berlin to reach and even overcome tech hubs like Silicon Valley or London.

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