Decan Amazing News

Do you like beer? Then this is for you!


Do you recognise the importance of a well-crafted beer in our society? A “Heck yes! Doesn’t everyone?” was the most likely response. If not, we aim to persuade you otherwise by the conclusion of this piece.

Small, independent breweries (producing fewer than 2 million barrels each year) make craft beer, defined as beer prepared with a little more care and attention than the mass-produced mainstream brands found in supermarkets. According to Brewers Association data, since there are 3,418 breweries in the United States, they have created a new market worth $19.6 billion. In 1996, there were just 1,149 craft brewers in the United States; today, the industry has increased over the last two decades.

It has suddenly become a hot topic, but why? Good beers have taken over the country for these top five reasons:

With craft brews, you’ll get more for your money.

Some of the most famous beers have had an ABV of 40%, significantly higher than the industry norm of 5% to 10%. As a result, you’ll get a beer with an ABV of between 4% and 6%, as little as 2%, if you buy it in bulk from large firms that don’t put any effort into each bottle. The beer you buy with the familiar labels is mostly water with a dash of beer. These beer’s ABV can only be matched by drinking three to five non-craft cold beers to obtain the same effect.

Compared to mass-produced beers, craft brews have a

The 48 per cent of persons who prefer lager for their booze intake enjoy the taste of good craft brews the most. In contrast to Budweiser and its competitors, American beer manufacturers care about the quality of their brews. Furthermore, the 3,418 breweries in the United States that produce these beers offer a dizzying array of flavour options. If you’re not like the one-size-fits-all flavour of mainstream beer, there are plenty of other options.

To reap the nutritional benefits of a craft brew, sip it. That’s correct. Drinking good craft beer is beneficial to health if consumed in moderate ratios. Becoming an average wine drinker has several health benefits, including:

  • Cardiovascular illness is less common.
  • Bone density is improved because silicon, a bone-forming ingredient, is present.
  • Lower chance of arthritis and other joint problems.
  • HDL (high-density lipoprotein) concentrations rise, assisting in reducing cholesterol.
  • Diabetes cases are at a lower level.

Moreover, the small pleasures of life, such as a nice craft beer, contribute to a happier and more meaningful existence.

Every season has a speciality beer to go with it.

The majority of these beer lovers select their beverage season or occasion they are participating in. Imagine the frenzied buying of pumpkin spice lattes when they first appear in coffee houses at the start of the fall season. Beer enthusiasts may experience the same fuzzy fuzzies that coffee lovers get with a chai latte on a gorgeous fall day by choosing a brew that suits their season or mood. Pumpkin spice latte brews are also available at several beer pubs.

In a beer tavern, your money stays in the community.

When you buy a surplus beer like Budweiser, Bud, or Coors, your money ends up in the bank accounts of executives and manufacturers all over the planet. As a result, if you buy an excellent beer, the hands that crafted it will be in the same place as you are. If you’re lucky, the bartender pouring you a drink in a beer establishment will be your brewer.

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