Decan Amazing News

4 Reasons Why “Old-School” Marketing Tools Like Banner Stands are Still Relevant


Despite the unstoppable rise of digital advertising, old-school marketing tools like business cards, print ads, banners, etc., are still relevant. These tools help small-scale businesses, in particular, place their brands in front of their customers. For many reasons, digital or online advertising doesn’t suit all types of companies. Here are four strong reasons why old-school marketing tools like custom-printed banner stands are still very relevant today –

  • Ad-Blocking Software Tools Are Ruining Digital Advertising Plans

Ad-block plugins are software tools that allow Internet users to “block” all ads on the websites they visit. Most Chrome and Firefox users employ ad block plugins. As a result, they don’t get to see any digital ads or promotions from the company websites they visit. The rising adoption of ad-blocking tools concerns many brands, small-scale brands in particular. 

  • There are 763+ million ad block users worldwide. The use of ad-blocking tools is more common amongst Google Chrome users.
  • The awareness of ad-blocking tools is increasing every year, especially amongst young internet users. Internet users aged 16 to 34 are highly likely to use ad block plugins on their browsers.

Hence, digital marketing experts are struggling to give their clients’ brands proper exposure. Small business owners that can’t afford to launch extensive digital marketing campaigns suffer the most. For them, using low-cost old-school advertising tools like custom-printed banners is a better marketing investment.

  1. Old-School Marketing Tools are Time-Efficient 

Modern-day marketing techniques like organic search engine optimization strategies or PPC ad campaigns take months to deliver significant results. Only brands with large marketing budgets can afford to spend time and resources on such marketing techniques. With traditional marketing tools like banner ads, you get instant results.

  • Small business owners can install custom-printed banners outside or inside their stores to promote short-term offers or promotional campaigns. For instance, let’s say your store is hosting a sale today. You set up a custom-printed banner outside your store announcing the sale details. Any passerby that notices your banner is a potential customer.
  • Custom-printed banners also aid long-term marketing strategies. These banners are typically made of highly durable materials like vinyl. They can withstand years of sunlight, moisture, and wind damage. Install these custom-printed banners in high-traffic areas (e.g., outside busy malls), and your brand will receive great exposure every day.
  • Get Your Brand Exposure in Specific Locations and Communities 

Your static banner ads will be viewed by specific target audiences in specific locations. You can place these banner ads in any location you want. Local audiences will always react to attractive and intriguing banner ads. Include your company’s contact info in the banner ads, and these viewers will start becoming your customers.

  • Low-Cost Brand Building Tools

In the post-pandemic era of economic uncertainty, smaller businesses need low-cost marketing solutions. Low-cost custom-printed banners allow these businesses to keep their brands visible and relevant in specific locations. These are the reasons why “old-school” marketing tools like banner stands are back in demand. These cost-effective marketing tools are here to stay. 

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